Cathed Protection System (Galvanic)

Cathedrian Protection System (Galvanic):

In the cathode protection method, they create a galvanic cell by connecting a more active metal to the metal to be protected. As the oxidation reaction focuses and the cathode is prevented. In this type of cathode protection according to the constituents of the anode, they are used in high -resistor environments and high current.



The main components of the cathode protection system are as follows:

1) cathode: The metal is called cathode.

2) anode: The type and compounds of the eradicular anodes in different electrolytes are selected depending on the special strength of the electrolyte, its specifications and chemical compounds.

3) The split box: The division box is used to perform the connection and the relevant branches, in some cases the split box may not be used.

4) Cable: Electric circuit in obedience systems is carried out by cables.

سیستم حفاظت کاتدی فداشونده

Typically, in maritime installations (docks, bodies, etc.), metals in the vicinity of water electrolyte, water storage tanks, etc. use the galvanic cathode protection system, which is a temporary cathode protection system. The benefits of obedience anodes include the low cost (due to the low amount of accessories needed), ease of installation, lower wandering current than the current injection system, and so on. The disadvantages of this type of anodes include the restriction of cathode potential shift, limited flow, impossibility in electrolytes with high resistance, and so on. The sacrificed anodes are replaced by the design assumptions, including the alloy composition, type, weight and dimensions over a specified interval (3 to 5 years depending on the conditions of service). The most common types of sacrifices are: aluminum anodes, magnesium and zinc. An example of the installation process of aluminum anodes to a rig that is eventually floated in the Gulf Sea is found below.
