Reference electrode and peripheral protection equipment
Category: reference electrode and cathodic protection accessories
Polarization coupon
In recent decades, the use of coupons has increased ...

Category: reference electrode and cathodic protection accessories
Reference electrode
The potential of underground pipelines and facilities buried in soil..

Category: reference electrode and cathodic protection accessories
Kainar cable
Bornagdaz Company is the largest manufacturer of various types of cathodic protection...

Category: reference electrode and cathodic protection accessories
metal structures
In the cathodic protection system of the pipeline, the band box is generally used...

Category: reference electrode and cathodic protection accessories
Zinc earthing cell
In some parts of the pipelines where insulating kit is used to insulate two parts of the pipe ....

Category: reference electrode and cathodic protection accessories
Current injection anodes are usually in horizontal anode beds (when there...